[development] No module-defined node types?

Andre Molnar mcsparkerton at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jan 4 19:40:52 UTC 2007

Morbus Iff wrote:
> So, when I ship Case Tracker, what I'm really shipping is logic, not
> data or node types. My logic says that, regardless of the data, whenever
> anyone uses my "status field" (that has been value-added to any existing
> node type) that /means/ something, and my module and custom code will do
> special things to that field upon request.

So - excuse my ignorance - what is the difference between writing a
module that does exactly what you say (i.e. packages logic that helps a
magic field of some sort that could be used with any type of node) - via
node form altering and the forms api?

Or is that exactly how you write a cck field type?  Just node form
altering and helper functions and nodeapi operations?

Just wondering which rabbit holes are worth going down.

Personally I have yet to be sold on CCK since its bastard cousin
'flexinode' was so developer unfriendly.


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