[development] QA: Consensus on comment formatting

Andre Molnar mcsparkerton at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jan 7 23:38:14 UTC 2007

Karoly Negyesi wrote:
>> IF its a comment that slows down a patch being accepted then I vote -1
>> IF comment rules reduces the number of comments in code (because its
>> easier not to comment than to follow the rules) I vote -1

> Yes sometimes it requires another roll of a patch but this is _not_ a hindrance, much rather a benefit to Drupal.
Agreed.  Those were both IF statements - but I failed to add the ELSE.

ELSE The rules seem reasonable (besides NOTE and TODO perhaps) and the
idea is a good one.

p.s. re: spelling - If the word is English as long as its spelled
correctly or 'correctly' the American way it should be acceptable.  I
believe that most international English students learn 'labour' not
'labor'.  But both would be fine in a comment.

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