[development] QA: Consensus on comment formatting

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jan 8 13:51:59 UTC 2007

Quoting Derek Wright <drupal at dwwright.net>:

> [3] personally, i find 2 spaces between sentences *way* more  
> readable, but i've already lost that debate (at least a bunch of  
> patches already went into core to force it to 1 space) so i don't  
> intend to re-hash that decision.  i'm now in favor of 1 space in  
> comments, just for consistency and less work moving forward.

Yes, me too.  Frankly I dispise HTML rendering engines for this; I put 
two spaces in, I would like it rendered two spaces.  But, anyway, +1 
for Derek's summarization of items.


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