[development] Eliminate hooks entirely in Drupal 6

Allie Micka allie at pajunas.com
Wed Jan 24 00:08:36 UTC 2007

On Jan 23, 2007, at 4:34 PM, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:

> Well, I am increasingly adopting a similar coding practice. A few  
> days ago, I also split up archive.module into a small stub which  
> registers the menu item and has a page callback, and then that page  
> callback includes archive.inc which contains all the magic to  
> display an archive page. This does eliminate a great deal of  
> parsing for PHP. Although we use an opcode cache here, we observed  
> greatly reduced memory usage if we take care of doing our own  
> modules this way. (I don't have hard numbers unfortunately).

FWIW, I've been doing the same.  To keep things consistent, each of  
my modules that's more than few hundred lines has a _module function  
that includes the inc file:

function foo_menu($may_cache) {
   $items[] = array('path' => 'admin/user/foo',
     'title' => t('Foo'),
     'callback' => '_foo',
     'callback arguments' => array('admin'),
   // ...
   return $items;

function foo_form($node) {
   return _foo('node_form', $node);

function _foo($func) {
   require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/foo.inc';
   if (function_exists($func = '_foo_'.$func)) {
     $args = func_get_args();
     return call_user_func_array($func, $args);

And then, in the foo.inc file, I can implement _foo_admin,  
_foo_node_form and any other functions I'd want to call.

Naturally, I try to keep all of the code required for normal  
operations in the .module file.  (foo_user, view/load portions of  
foo_nodeapi, foo_block, etc)  It would be counter-productive to  
invoke _foo() on every page load.

Allie Micka
pajunas interactive, inc.

scalable web hosting and open source strategies

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