[development] comments as nodes

Wim Leers bashratthesneaky at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 16:35:14 UTC 2007

Thanks for this heads-up.

I was just thinking aloud in that other thread, it seems all of that  
already exists :) Great!


On Jun 4, 2007, at 17:56 , Robert Douglass wrote:

> Since it came up, I'll draw everyone's attention to the nodecomment  
> module which makes comments into nodes. Rather, it uses one node  
> type to be the comment type of another node type. To me (and the  
> other Lullabots) this makes a lot of sense. All that is needed is a  
> 1:n mapping between a parent and its children and some special  
> display. What makes the nodecomment module really special, however,  
> is that the rendering of the "comments" is handed off to the views  
> module (which is a requirement), so you could display your comments  
> in totally non-traditional ways, such as in a table or in a calendar.
> One of the most useful applications that this module has found is  
> also the impetus for its creation: voting widgets in the comments  
> that vote on the parent node. I'm creating a site, for example,  
> where the comments are all ratings of the parent node, and each  
> comment needs to have four separate fivestar widgets. To do this,  
> the comment node type has four CCK fields from the fivestar module  
> where the target of the voting is set as arg(1)... meaning the  
> fields belong to the comment nodes but the votes belong to the  
> parent node. Very cool.
> We've had clients who have requests like wanting to promote  
> comments to the front page, or rate comments, or categorize  
> comments etc. This module fills those needs.
> The release says it is beta, and I stick by that, but it is worth  
> noting that this beta code probably serves 5 million page views a  
> day or more on live (rockstar) websites.
> -Robert
> http://drupal.org/project/nodecomment

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