[development] Requiring node revisions

David Strauss david at fourkitchens.com
Fri Jun 8 03:43:23 UTC 2007

Nedjo Rogers wrote:
>> ... all for the sake of a couple of checkboxes.
> Of course, it would be an easy form_alter in contrib to turn the "create
> new revision" checkbox into a #value type form element and enforce
> revisions.
> Alternately, in core, we could create a "node_force_revision" variable.
> If set to 0, behaviour is as at present. If set to 1, the 'revision'
> form element is passed as a #value.

The real reason I'm pushing for mandatory revisions is so content types
don't have to implement two saving mechanisms, one UPDATE, one INSERT.

So, we should just pick one. The revisions system is the clearly
superior choice.

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