[development] inferring which file to include based on page callback array

Peter Wolanin pwolanin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 19:14:43 UTC 2007

Moshe - how does this make sense?  You no longer know which file to
include for the callback.


On 6/11/07, Moshe Weitzman <weitzman at tejasa.com> wrote:

>    $items['admin/build'] = array(
>      'title' => 'Site building',
>      'page callback' => 'system_admin_menu_block_page',
>      'file' => 'system.admin.inc',
>    $items['admin/build'] = array(
>      'title' => 'Site building',
>      'page callback' => array('system, 'admin_menu_block_page'),
>    (
> Note that we may still have to support a string as a page callback (i
> think) for non module defined callbacks.

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