[development] UI review from Portland UI-SIG

Andre Molnar mcsparkerton at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Mar 10 09:41:57 UTC 2007

Neil Drumm wrote:
> Thanks to the Portland UI-SIG, http://www.portlandusability.com/, we
> have some ideas for how to improve the initial usage of Drupal, things
> like setting up the theme and posting content.
> The notes are at http://drupal.org/node/126143. Skip straight to the
> "Creating the first account" heading to see some suggestions that
> could be built into patches.

In content creation:

# Required field indication doesn't obviously indicate its meaning.
# "Submit page" isn't the best title, "Create page" or "Create new page"
might be better options.

These two have been noted in quite a few usability reviews (including
the one I wrote up).  The first one is such a trivial change.  How many
'experts' saying 'this could be improved' does it take until a patch
gets committed.


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