[development] low hanging fruit for Drupal 6: variable defaults

Robin Monks robin at civicspacelabs.org
Thu May 3 18:56:03 UTC 2007

Right, but, now you need to specify yourself as the namespace every time you
set a variable.  That's adding a lot of bulk.


On 5/3/07, Syscrusher <syscrusher at 4th.com> wrote:
> On Thursday 03 May 2007 14:29, Robin Monks wrote:
> > New names for variable functions--
> Here's a suggestion:
>     string variable(string $name, string $namespace='', string
> $value=NULL)
> Semantics:
>     variable($name)
>        returns the value of the specified variable in the current module's
>        namespace (or the Drupal system namespace, if you prefer), or
> returns
>        the default if not defined, or returns NULL if no default
>     variable($name, $namespace)
>        returns the value of the specified variable in the specified
> namespace,
>        or returns the default if not defined, or returns NULL if no
> default
>     variable($name, $namespace, $value)
>        stores $value for the specified variable in the specified
> namespace,
>        if $value is not null. Returns $value as-stored, both to preserve
>        semantic consistency AND to reflect any data changes done by the
>        variable-handling code (for instance, if it did an implied trim()).
>        For now, probably a straight pass-through.
> And we add one function that typically would be used only by deinstalls:
>     boolean variable_unset(string $name, string $namespace)
>        removes the specified variable from storage permanently, returning
>        if successful or if the variable already didn't exist, FALSE if
> there
>        was some kind of database error or if the $namespace didn't exist.
> In
>        other words, missing $name in valid $namespace is okay, just a
> no-op,
>        but invalid $namespace is an error condition.
> The behavior of variable() is consistent with similar functions I've
> worked
> with in other environments, such as REXX's GLOBALV function on mainframes.
> It also would allow a fairly easy wrapper for legacy compatibility.
> Scott
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Syscrusher (Scott Courtney)          Drupal page:
> http://drupal.org/user/9184
> syscrusher at 4th dot com            Home page:     http://4th.com/

Robin Monks
@ www.civicspacelabs.org
@ www.gmking.org

Fax: (419) 791-8076

"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use
regular expressions." Now they have two problems." ~IRC
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