[development] Translatable strings for 1st/2nd/3rd/nth

Gabor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Thu May 3 20:59:30 UTC 2007

Earnie Boyd wrote:
>> Earnie, how would that SQL table work for translations? Different 
>> languages need very different suffixes. I don't see what table 
>> structure you envision here.
> Chris was looking for "simple" and and realized his needs are 
> "English-centric" but was wanting some way to possibly support simple 
> translation.
> int|locale|string
> 1|en|st
> 2|en|nd
> So now he creates a function to look for the passed int value and locale 
> and appends the suffix or some administrated set default.  No it doesn't 
> fit all scenarios.
> Frankly, I would suggest using t('first'), t('second'), etc instead of 
> the lazy symbols.

Yes, the problem with the above table that it is hardly (if at all) fits 
into the gettext based translation toolset translators are using.


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