[development] Javascript API introduction

Bill Fitzgerald bill at funnymonkey.com
Mon May 21 15:25:02 UTC 2007

You also might want to take a look at jQuery Interface Sortable -- 
http://drupal.org/project/interface_sortable -- and the jQuery interface 
-- http://drupal.org/project/jquery_interface -- and jQuery update -- 
http://drupal.org/project/jquery_update -- modules.



David Metzler wrote:
> For the JQuery stuff,  I'd actually recommend looking at the Pro 
> Drupal Development book. There is an excellent introduction to JQuery 
> there.  Along with a sample module.
> Dave
> On May 21, 2007, at 7:41 AM, Augustin (Beginner) wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need help about javascript, and I would like to document better a 
>> few things
>> at the same time (like I did a short while ago about the cache API: I
>> recycled the help I received to make a handbook page where one was 
>> lacking).
>> I have never coded any javascript nor used jQuery before, so I 
>> deserve my
>> handle more than ever on this topic.
>> Unfortunately, there is no introductionnary and Drupal specific 
>> documentation
>> about javascript, and about the proper use of js within Drupal.
>> There are a few js snippets or js related handbook pages here and there
>> (especially within the php snippets section:
>> http://drupal.org/handbook/customization/php-snippets ).
>> I suggest we create a separate handbook section for javascript (see 
>> request:
>> http://drupal.org/node/145660).
>> What is missing, is a Javascript API page, that would serve as a general
>> introduction to using js within Drupal.
>> Please help me answer the following questions, and I'll put it all 
>> together
>> into a handbook page:
>> Is the Drupal js API limited to those?
>> http://api.drupal.org/apis/5/js
>> What js is included with core, that one can use without messing with 
>> any js
>> code?
>> (what is needed here, is at least a short introduction to the core 
>> .js files:
>> [augustin at 203 misc]$ ls *.js
>> autocomplete.js  collapse.js  drupal.js  jquery.js  progress.js
>> tableselect.js  textarea.js  update.js  upload.js
>> when they are used (i.e. included in the page request), what can be 
>> done with
>> them without needing adding any additional js code, etc.
>> If jquery is included in core, does that mean that I can start adding 
>> the
>> relevant tags in html without bothering with js code??
>> What else would a beginner need to know, to get started efficiently 
>> working
>> with Drupal and js?
>> Beside http://www.learningjquery.com/ , http://jquery.com (hmmm, the 
>> latter
>> times out), what other web sites or (Drupal-specific) articles hosted
>> elsewhere would it be useful to link to?
>> Thanks,
>> Augustin.
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Bill Fitzgerald
Tools for Teachers

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