[development] OG User Roles: user_access / node add / $user->roles

David Metzler metzlerd at metzlerd.com
Tue May 22 05:08:57 UTC 2007

Thinking about this maybe the problem is user_access, not the roles  
themselves.  Check out the user_access function in user.module.  Note  
that is uses a static variable caching mechanism, so it may have  
already determined the results of "user_access" before you've  
modified the roles.  (It would need to in order to route the request  
and check access permissions).

One way to check would be to call user_access immediately after you  
set the roles, and see if it gives you the proper result, (in your  
watchdog or debug files).

The bad news is that I don't really know of a good way to solve this  
if that's the case. I'm afraid that we need a hook_user_access in  
core in order to implement this.  Either that or an added parameter  
to force user_access to ignore the cache.

Here's hoping I'm wrong :).


On May 21, 2007, at 3:39 PM, Ron Parker wrote:

> Thanks so much for the reply.  Here's what I tried in hook_init:
> function og_user_roles_init ()
> {
>    global $user;
>    $roles = og_user_roles_all_roles($user); // This returns normal  
> $user->roles and includes OG roles if any
>    $user->roles = $roles;
>    $displayRoles = implode(",", $roles);
>    if ($user->uid) watchdog('og_user_roles', 'user roles = ' .  
> $displayRoles); // Show this in log if it hits.
> }
> Here's what I tried in hook_user:
>    // Add the group roles to $user->roles if this is a group
>    // This should only be effective until the next global $user call
>    if ($op == "load") {
>        $roles = og_user_roles_all_roles($user); // This returns  
> normal $user->roles and includes OG roles if any
>        $user->roles = $roles;
>    } // end $op load
> I looked at the watchdog and my own debug file, and the correct  
> roles are being returned each and every time.
> My guess is that $user->roles is doing what it should, but there is  
> something else happening in the node/add
> (http://www.mysite.com/ node/add/link?gids[]=29) process that  
> doesn't depend upon $user->roles that is causing the access denied  
> error.
> Again, any clues would be much appreciated.
> -ron
> David Metzler wrote:
>> I've run into similar problems with using user_load to alter   
>> user_data.  User_load doesn't fire as often as you might think it   
>> does due to some caching strategies.   To prove this, place a   
>> drupal_set_message call in your user_load trap and see when it   
>> fires.  It may not be firing on the page where you're getting the   
>> access denied errors.
>> To solve my problem I had to move user alteration into the init hook.
>> It may be that there's core bug here, but I haven't yet tracked  
>> it  down since the init hook solved my problem.
>> I never did find out why user_load wasn't firing.
>> On May 15, 2007, at 11:56 AM, Ron Parker wrote:
>>> A few weeks back I floated my og user roles module  idea on this   
>>> list as instructed by CVS Admin.  This module (http://drupal.org/  
>>> node/87679) is designed to assign roles to OG group members that   
>>> are specific to the groups they are in.  The problem was that I  
>>> had  to patch the core user.module in order to get it to work.
>>> After a couple of suggestions, I decided to formulate a proposal   
>>> for a Drupal hook.  What I thought made the most sense was either  
>>> a  user_access hook or a $user->roles hook because what I wanted  
>>> to do  was add roles to the site wide roles returned by $user- 
>>> >roles.   user_access (which returns permissions allowed  
>>> according to roles)  is called by node_access which is what  
>>> determines access on a node/ add.
>>> I recently proposed a $user->roles hook (http://drupal.org/node/  
>>> 143393), and someone pointed out that I could accomplish the  
>>> same  thing by using the existing hook_user "load" operation.   
>>> They were  right.  I modified my module to add the appropriate  
>>> roles to the  user object using hook_user "load" and in testing,  
>>> it appears that  $user->roles now returns the OG group as well as  
>>> the site wide  roles when a user is in a group.
>>> However, on a group node add, for example, http://www.mysite.com/  
>>> node/add/link?gids[]=29, my user gets an "Access denied" error.   
>>> I  wrote a little debug program that writes out the values  
>>> returned by  my hook_user "load" addition, and every time it's  
>>> called it returns  the correct values.
>>> node_access would be the access control for a group node add.  I   
>>> have examined the code closely, and this is the only code that   
>>> would be executed on a node "create":
>>>  // Can't use node_invoke(), because the access hook takes the  
>>> $op  parameter
>>>  // before the $node parameter.
>>>  $module = node_get_types('module', $node);
>>>  if ($module == 'node') {
>>>    $module = 'node_content'; // Avoid function name collisions.
>>>  }
>>>  $access = module_invoke($module, 'access', $op, $node);
>>>  if (!is_null($access)) {
>>>    return $access;
>>>  }
>>> This code would then call "node_content_access" (hook_access for   
>>> node), which would use "user_access" (thus calling global $user,   
>>> thus invoking my modification) to determine access.
>>> So, I'm at a complete loss as to why I would get an "Access  
>>> denied"  error for a group role.  I need some help!
>>> The only thing I have noticed which seems to give me a clue is  
>>> that  when I load the "devel" module and give users access,  
>>> everything  works.  But, I can't figure out what the devel module  
>>> is doing that  would cause this.
>>> Any hint, clue or anything would be appreciated.  Thanks!
>>> -ron
>>> -- 
>>> Ron Parker
>>> Software Creations               http://www.scbbs.com
>>> Self-Administration Web Site     http://saw.scbbs.com
>>> SDSS Subscription Mgmt Service   http://sdss.scbbs.com
>>> Central Ave Dance Ensemble       http://www.centralavedance.com
>>> R & B Salsa                      http://www.randbsalsa.com
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> -- 
> Ron Parker
> Software Creations               http://www.scbbs.com
> Self-Administration Web Site     http://saw.scbbs.com
> SDSS Subscription Mgmt Service   http://sdss.scbbs.com
> Central Ave Dance Ensemble       http://www.centralavedance.com
> R & B Salsa                      http://www.randbsalsa.com

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