[development] Drupal's CVS policies... including 'foriegn' code in TinyMCE module?

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Tue May 22 16:34:46 UTC 2007

Quoting Kevin Reynen <kreynen at gmail.com>:

> Some people seem to have missed this point...

Not I.

> I want to CHANGE the configuration of TinyMCE from Moxiecode's default
> configuration to eliminate the double filter issues for Drupal users.
> but if 3rd party libraries are
> never going to be rolled into Drupal releases through CVS or some
> other method, what do you suggest?

* Store the patches into CVS.  * The install/upgrade process downloads 
the TinyMCE tarball version for the patch set created and applys the 
* Issues for Windows users.
  ** There exists gnu patch ports for windows
  ** Instruct those users to have the patch program in PATH.
* Issues with already patched set
  ** How to handle the patch errors?
  ** How to determine current state of installed library?

IMO storing the modified library as part of the module is what should happen.


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