[development] What about the Drupal API ?? (Re: Javascript API introduction

Dave Cohen drupal at dave-cohen.com
Sat May 26 02:08:52 UTC 2007

On Friday 25 May 2007 02:47:42 pm Steven Wittens wrote:
> You're never supposed to use the collapsible feature with anything
> other than a Form API-generated collapsible fieldset. Just because
> there is a JS/PHP split doesn't mean that that split maps to the API
> as well. The only JS API functions we have are in drupal.js.
> Everything else is specific to one feature and should not be called
> from outside that .js file itself.

Apologies if this is off-topic, as I have not been following this thread all 
along.  However if people are looking for a way to make text appear and 
disappear in the manner of a collapsible fieldset, check out what this module 
calls "clicktips": http://drupal.org/project/hovertip


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