[development] Drupal's CVS policies... including 'foriegn' codein TinyMCE module?

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Sun May 27 13:28:14 UTC 2007

Quoting Derek Wright <drupal at dwwright.net>:

> On May 26, 2007, at 9:29 PM, Boris Mann wrote:
>> A patch to the project module / packaging scripts and/or an  
>> architecture doc on how such a thing would be built would be more  
>> useful.
> (trying not to lose my temper...)
> WTF?  are you people not getting or not reading my messages?  Gerhard 
>  seems to have completely ignored my input on the discussion, and now 
>  you are, too...
> how many times do i have to say it?
> 1) our existing policy is too strict, and should be relaxed under  
> some circumstances.

Yes, I agree but I seem to be low life and my posts seem to go 
unresponded to as well.  I've already stated that we need to allow 
third party code.  Someone with respect and more clout should be able 
to get +2 votes for this idea.

> 2) it would require a *MASSIVE* (wasted) effort to try to solve this  
> problem via modifying our packaging script.  please RTF previous  
> email of mine for details.  i will *NOT* accept patches that attempt  
> to do this.  "won't fix" on sight...

Especially at the automated packaging level.

> so, of all the many ways i've asked for help on project*, please do  
> not try to "help" by working on such a patch. ;)

One of these days I'll get into the code of project but not possible 
anytime soon.

> also, given how much time and energy i've spent on the care and  
> feeding of our CVS repositories, i wish i was at least being taken  
> seriously enough that people read what i'm saying about this topic,  
> and respected my views enough to reply (even if you disagree, at  
> least address the points i'm making)...

One point I made in response to one of the comments was to create a 
separate contrib/lib directory to hold the third party libraries.  Then 
the modules would depend on lib/third_party and duplication of such 
libraries would be eliminated.

Good luck in your quest to relax the policy.


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