[development] Project maintainers needed urgently

Doug Green douggreen at douggreenconsulting.com
Thu Nov 1 17:39:28 UTC 2007


I'm not offering to maintain delicious, but I have a client that needed 
to use it, so I did the 5.x upgrade.  See 
http://drupal.org/node/125312.  I hope this was not stepping on toes, 
but rather an act that is appreciated. 

I also sent one of the guys in that thread (who posted a patch) a 
private message to see if he wanted to be the maintainer.

Earl Miles wrote:
> Several of my projects are effectively abandoned and need maintainers:
> Delicious -- I'd found a maintainer but that maintainer has never done 
> anything.
> Forum Access
> LiveJournal CrossPoster
> Taxonomy Lineage
> Taxonomy Redirect
> User Titles
> Most of these are fairly small projects. I just ask that anyone 
> maintaining them be active enough to take care of these modules better 
> than I do.

Doug Green
douggreen at douggreenconsulting.com

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