[development] Module AdminRSS

Colan Schwartz colan at openject.com
Tue Nov 6 04:16:15 UTC 2007

Hi Frederic,

On Thu, Nov 01, 2007 at 08:33:40PM +0100, FGM wrote:
> For several months now, it appears this module has been left unmaintained,
> with myself being the sole patch provider.
> I've tried to contact the maintainer (webgeer) from d.o. and on his own
> site, without an answer.
> Webgeer, if you are reading this list, could you answer me ?
> Otherwise, I would like to have it considered to add me as a maintainer of
> this project so I can at least create the needed branches and commit
> long-waiting patches.

I'd suggest talking to the site admins.  I've heard that if you can't
get in touch with the current project maintainer(s), you should be able
to take it over.

Good luck,
Colan Schwartz
Internet Consultant  |  Openject Consulting  |  http://www.openject.com/

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