[development] The dawn of DB locks

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Nov 6 12:54:39 UTC 2007

Quoting Karoly Negyesi <karoly at negyesi.net>:

> Hi,
> Today marks the end of explicit database locks issued by Drupal core.
> Thanks to David Strauss who helped me getting rid of them by patching
> cache_set and variable_set in http://drupal.org/node/55516 .
> Now, do we want to keep db_lock_table ? In Drupal 6, likely yes. In
> Drupal 7? The question makes sense even if go over to PDO.

Yes, please and thank you.  Locking tables are still something someone 
might want to do.  Though issuing the sql through db_query is just as 
good, I suppose, having the API just seems more thorough.

Earnie -- http://for-my-kids.com/
-- http://give-me-an-offer.com/

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