[development] Taxonomy labeling changes

Liza Sabater blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
Thu Nov 15 04:06:36 UTC 2007

Money Quote : 

>It would be nice to reconcile
> everything, but changing a core module name, and breaking a chunk of
> contributions, is harder than changing the UI label.

I hope that in a near future all of the good all technology wordiness is
"invisible" at the level of the end-user interface. So focusing on UI
hopefully will bring better ways for "masking" the complexity. 

/ liza

Liza Sabater, Publisher

AIM cultkitdiva
MOB 646.552.7365

--------- Original Message --------
From: development at drupal.org
To: development at drupal.org <development at drupal.org>
Subject: Re: [development] Taxonomy labeling changes
Date: 14/11/07 10:09

> On Nov 14, 2007 12:27 PM, Michelle Cox &lt;mcox at charter.net&gt; wrote:
> &gt; On 11/14/2007 2:09:58 PM, Neil Drumm (drumm at delocalizedham.com)
> &gt; &gt;Avoid use of &quot;Taxonomy&quot; in the UI. The overall system,
despite the
> &gt; &gt;module name, is &quot;Categories.&quot;
> &gt;
> &gt; I took a quick peek on my site and the only place I see it called
> &gt; &quot;Categories&quot; is on the menu label and the title of this
> &gt; ?=admin/content/taxonomy . Note the URL to that page.  Seems to me
like the
> &gt; overall system is &quot;Taxonomy&quot; with a half attempt to change
it to
> &gt; &quot;Categories&quot; that failed. What's wrong with rolling it back
while we think
> &gt; about what best to call it in 7?
> And the heading of the fieldset on node/add/{content type with more
> than one vocabulary}. The name of the overall system simply is not
> used a whole lot. This naming system applies for Drupal 4.5 through 5,
> and may be changed for Drupal 6.
> We have quite a few precedents for using different labels in UI from
> what we use in the API or URLs:
> - node is content
> - path is URL alias
> - watchdog is log
> These differences happen and are okay. It would be nice to reconcile
> everything, but changing a core module name, and breaking a chunk of
> contributions, is harder than changing the UI label.
> -- 
> Neil Drumm
> http://delocalizedham.com

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