[development] Suggestion for User Permissions

Greg Knaddison greg at pingvox.com
Wed Nov 28 21:41:58 UTC 2007

On Nov 28, 2007 5:48 PM, Alessandro Feijó <patrao at legendas.feijo.info> wrote:
> I will, eventually :)

You might want to take a look at the issue where these check-all boxes
were added: http://drupal.org/node/84961#comment-449568

I'm not saying that should be set in stone, but when those select-all
boxes were added they were purposefully not added to the permissions
page because of the potential for accidentally doing a lot of damage
on that form.

In general, there's no need to ask whether something should be added.
Just make a patch and create an issue.


Greg Knaddison
Denver, CO | http://knaddison.com
World Spanish Tour | http://wanderlusting.org/user/greg

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