[development] Fatal error : install profiles and the use of hook_install

Yves Chedemois yched.drupal at free.fr
Fri Nov 30 11:58:25 UTC 2007

This bug is corrected (as a side effect) by the patch in 
(install modules in a batch in install.php)


Augustin (Beginner) wrote:
> Hello,
> There seem to be a critical bugs hiding behind the way the install 
> profiles are implemented.
> At the very least, there seem to be a gross inconsistency in the 
> documentation.
> I could have fixed the api documentation myself, except that I am not 
> sure what is the 'normal' behavior.
> When creating an install profile, one runs against such errors:
> "Fatal error: Call to undefined function xxx()"
> http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Adrupal.org+profile+install+Fatal+error%3A+Call+to+undefined+function
> This happens when one includes a few specific modules in 
> hook_profile_modules(), including book.module:
> http://drupal.org/node/164458#comment-643884
> The api says that all functions are loaded when running 
> hook_install():
> http://api.drupal.org/api/function/hook_install
> "Note that since this function is called from a full bootstrap, all 
> functions (including those in modules enabled by the current page 
> request) are available when this hook is called. Use cases could be 
> displaying a user message, or calling a module function necessary for 
> initial setup, etc."
> But the profile documentation implies the contrary:
> http://drupal.org/node/67921
> the modules (including core required modules and their functions) are 
> NOT yet included when running hook_profile_modules() (which calls 
> hook_install()). The modules are included only at a later stage, 
> hook_profile_final().
> A similar problem occurred with forum.module, until a certain function 
> call was moved to hook_enable():
> http://drupal.org/node/157519
> This begs the question: what is it ok to include in hook_install()? 
> Is hook_install() only for the DB schema, or can heavier lifting be 
> done using any function call?
> If this cannot be fixed for D6, some warning should be included in the 
> documentation, especially here: http://drupal.org/node/67921 .
> I didn't do so myself because I am uncertain about all the above.
> Blessings,
> Augustin.

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