[development] jQuery plugins and update_status (was: jQuery 1.2 is released)

Fernando Silva fsilva.pt at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 20:52:45 UTC 2007

Following my idea, when I talked about the already current

I was thinking on something following these lines:
1. always maintain this module as a "contrib" module, but turn it a
recommend module

2. select high usage and high quality jquery plugins, that allows the
perfection of 50% of Drupal contrib modules, and make those plugins as
part of the standard "jquery" contrib download module package (ex.
jQuery UI, jQuery.Flash, etc)

3. more than look to this module as a "user" module, it should be an
"admin" module with high usage during Drupal install. The idea is
simplify the install, helping the admin with automatic download of
jQuery plugins from their respectively repositories (we all know why)

4. thinking about the user, with the Drupal module system all these
plugins would appear with a visible note that would identify them
clearly has jQuery plugins

5. all these plugins would probably be downloaded and installed on the
"public files folder" after obeying to package verification and

1. module "X" includes a flash file and requires jQuery.flash.js
1.1 download module "X" from Drupal
1.2 the user install it
1.3 the module detects it needs jQuery.flash and its not installed
1.4 automatically it "asks" jquery module API to request that plugin
1.5 if allowed, it is downloaded and module "X" is installed

2. an user wants to have a WYSIWM editor. It just go to the jquery
module, searchs and install the correspondent plugin

  Fernando Silva

On 9/11/07, Derek Wright <drupal at dwwright.net> wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2007, at 10:50 AM, adrian rossouw wrote:
> > Do we know if their cvs tags are using something that project can use?

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