[development] hackathon on the 23th?

Victor Kane victorkane at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 01:12:23 UTC 2007

Just wanted to confirm that I will be here that night, willing to chip
in and hack!
Can I count on that (night of 24th all set?)

Victor Kane

On 8/14/07, Karoly Negyesi <karoly at negyesi.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems we could hire
> http://www.rentbydays.com/apart_detalle.php?lang=1&id=3 for a day for
> 300EUR. The NowPublic team moves in 17th, out 23th and I thought that
> we could maybe hack around on the 23 (+ into the night to 24th)? The
> place is huge... though not chairs and tables but I remember hacking
> at Eaton/Robert's room in Sunnyvale for example, dunno how many of us
> were there 7-8 maybe. Beds, floor... I would not be surprised if this
> place could hold 40 people -- there is a nice patio, too.
> So, who is interested, costs would be split up evenly? There are two
> things that can make this not happen:
> - I am still waiting to get Internet connection confirmed
> - If there are too few people (less than ten, I guess)
> Regards,
> NK

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