[development] User not allowed to access node using node_access

Steve Edwards killshot91 at comcast.net
Tue Apr 8 21:53:45 UTC 2008

Yes, I was just noting that in the PDD diagram.  Looks like I'll have to 
suggest an enhancement to the Project module.



John VanDyk wrote:
>> So there's no way to override that setting using node_access? 
>> According to the handy dandy diagram on page 104 of 'Pro Drupal 
>> Development' it looks like node_access is the last thing checked when 
>> granting access to a node.  Is that incorrect, or am I 
>> misunderstanding how that process works?
> Note that you only reach node_access if the results from hook_access() 
> are inconclusive. In this case it's not inconclusive; project module 
> is returning FALSE and therefore access is disallowed.
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