[development] Solving the dev->staging->live problem

Larry Garfield larry at garfieldtech.com
Tue Aug 12 01:15:41 UTC 2008

On Monday 11 August 2008 2:38:27 pm Victor Kane wrote:
> Your points are interestng, but I think there may be a lot to what
> Greg Dunlap is recommending in terms of thinking in Drupal logic terms
> and not database terms.

One of the take-aways from the Data API Design Sprint back in February was 
that we need to move away from assuming that everything is in a single local 
SQL database.  That is simply far too limiting.  

Any import/export/deploy mechanism will absolutely need to operate at the 
entity level, not the database level, because there's no guarantee that there 
will always be a local SQL database in which these things are stored.

Larry Garfield
larry at garfieldtech.com

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