[development] rich text editor

Daniel F. Kudwien news at unleashedmind.com
Tue Feb 5 17:16:51 UTC 2008

> I think there are good ideas, but most of the common code 
> needs to be in core, or RTE module developers will not pay 
> attention and the users will suffer in the end.
> Gabor

I second this.  However, core should support every use-case.  After studying
RTE modules *and* RTE plugin modules, I see a great demand for an open and
well thought-out API.  As mentioned several times before by many core
developers, a generic integration for Wysiwyg/RTE support is possible
through a contributed module and does not have to be developed in core up
front.  Thus, my proposal is to let it evolve in contrib and move the stable
parts step by step into core, just like we did and/or probably will do with
CCK, Views, i18n, Token, aso.  Many other modules in contrib support these,
so I don't see a reason, why we should treat RTE/Wysiwyg support


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