[development] DB support as contribute: is it a good idea?

Edison Wong hswong3i at edin.no-ip.com
Wed Feb 13 08:52:32 UTC 2008

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Hi folk,

Drupal 6.0 is revamped with Schema API, so what's next for Drupal 7.x? 
PDO for sure! With this powerful data-access abstraction layer, workload 
will much reduced for DB abstraction layer designers and developers, and 
finally benefit our contribute developers and end users.

By the way, together with the decision of Drupal 7.x + PDO, there is 
also some voice about moving PostgreSQL (and so other potential 
databases support, e.g. Oracle, DB2, MSSQL, etc) support away from core, 
but contribute; on the other hand, add official SQLite support into 
Drupal core, together with MySQL.

Is this really a good idea? Or even if it is possible? As an existing 
Drupal + PostgreSQL users, what will this affect your daily work? As a 
potential customer of Drupal + Oracle/DB2/MSSQL/etc, is this a good new 
for you, or just an evil? I would like to provide some brief idea for 
you within this article.

Please refer to http://groups.drupal.org/node/8855 for more detail 

- --
Edison Wong
hswong3i at gmail.com
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