[development] implementing #format

Joakim Stai joakimstai at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 16:10:01 UTC 2008

On Feb 19, 2008, at 16:06, Konstantin Käfer wrote:
> I'd absolutely go for supporting textfield input formats as well; I  
> see a lot of use cases here, e.g. allowing specific HTML tags (Like  
> <strong> or <em>) or parts of other input formats (e.g. **bold**)  
> for node titles.

Yea, this would be great! Previous attempts to allow bold/italic text  
in the Title field has involved patching core or other dirty methods.

On Feb 19, 2008, at 11:41, Gábor Hojtsy wrote:
> This should provide a one and only standard way to tie formats to
> textareas, and form altering would have the important metadata
> available at a predictable place. (I'd also like to add more metadata
> about what type of field is actually presented for format selection,
> so we would be able to limit input formats available for blocks,
> nodes, comments, etc).

I'm all for including relevant information as metadata. That would  
make it much easier for WYSIWYG editors to determine whether they  
should attach to a certain field or not, and allow for more fine  
grained control of this from its admin pages.

Joakim //ximo

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