[development] gotcha: menu wildcards, foreach() and MENU_SUGGESTED_ITEM

augustin (beginner) drupal.beginner at wechange.org
Thu Jul 17 04:28:41 UTC 2008

On Thursday 17 July 2008 12:02:08 Karoly Negyesi wrote:
> You forgot about the distinction of router items and menu links. You will
> want to use a single router item and save several links with menu_link_save
> as you see fit.

Ah, yes! 
Not knowing too much about the internals, I was looking at it from the 
perspective of a module developer and what was possible using hook_menu() 

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I have updated the issue with a copy of your comment:

And since this problem is not particularly obvious, I have updated my handbook 
edits to correspond to the sanctioned solution:

Thanks again to Larry and Karoly for their comments.



P.S. to Larry: I guess I *still* need my beginner handle for a while longer, 
after all... ;)

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