[development] D7: module dependency, install and update improvements

Clemens Tolboom clemens at build2be.nl
Mon Mar 3 16:49:29 UTC 2008

After submitting this
[development] How to make better dependency checks in D5, D6, D7?
and having talked to some people @ FOSDEM i decided to write some pages
about my thought.

The bottom line is:
1. module (dependency) code is scattered around in module.inc,
install.php, update.php, system.module
2. this can be and should be done better.
3. some parts are trivial, some are i guess not.

Please read my thoughts about improving D7 on module dependency
http://build2be.com/content/module-management-drupal and watch the drush
module management movie over there or @ http://blip.tv/file/713175/

I guess I have to prove this by providing patches but because of the

Clemens Tolboom

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