[development] RFC: info hook standardization

Larry Garfield larry at garfieldtech.com
Mon May 19 19:04:22 UTC 2008

On Mon, 19 May 2008 14:30:30 -0400, "Darrel O'Pry" <darrel.opry at gmail.com> wrote:

>> Themes get a special HOOK_theme() that is exactly like the module
> version,
>> but they do not get a corresponding alter.
> That makes more sense. I'm a proponent of ignoring that special case for
> now
> since it's doing it's own caching and just implementing a caching version
> of
> module_invoke_all....
> although I don't think we need to add the logic for caching in
> module_invoke_all itself since it is a called my many other modules, just
> extend what we have with a wrapper that implements the caching.

I didn't suggest that the caching happen inside module_invoke_all(), just that if a hook is named hook_foo_info() then there is caching.  It probably should not happen inside module_invoke_all() itself.

If hook_theme() takes parameters, though, how does it get cached?

--Larry Garfield

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