[development] decoupling form validation from error reporting and "actions" OR different use case for DANGEROUS_SKIP_CHECK

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Wed May 21 09:44:09 UTC 2008

I've a process, a series of forms.
Available values in different steps depends on previously inserted
data. Multi-step forms are not suited, and I don't think they could
solve the problem I'm going to illustrate. I want bookmarkable steps
and I want the customer care to be able to reproduce what the user

I'd consider *possible* that a user open another browser window
and change the previous choices while it is in the middle of the
process. Since the forms are dynamically built, when a $form is
"regenerated" for submission it may be different from the one that was
shown to the user.

At this point form validation kick in and says
"An illegal choice has been detected..."

Without DANGEROUS_SKIP_CHECK I have no choice to handle the problem

1) I may want to let the process come to an end and then check for
coherency of the inserted values and then kick the user at the
beginning of the process or 2) I may kick him at the beginning of the
process as soon as I detect some problem.
3) I may do other stuff other than re-displaying the form with a
general error message.

Even with DANGEROUS_SKIP_CHECK I see no clear way to recycle the FAPI
validation code and go with the 2) or 3) path.

_validate accept $form and $form_values or $form_state, but I can't
see any place where I could intercept the errors set by
drupal_validate_form, form_validate, form_error...

With DANGEROUS_SKIP_CHECK I can at least let FAPI ignore the errors
and then _validate by my own and act accordingly to my needs
That would imply some code duplication since I'll cut&paste part of
FAPI validation and just change the form_error part.
Without DANGEROUS_SKIP_CHECK I can't see any way to avoid to display
general error messages or redirect the user somewhere else.

I did read:
but I don't see any easy way to exploit #process.

The input is actually not valid. I don't want to add options to make
it valid, I just would like to control the message or the action
taken for not valid input.

I'd say that if the errors were available in _validate in a more
structured way with default messages it would be easier to handle
similar situations.

If you want to obtain general case where default errors and behavior
is OK, you just don't touch the "form_error" structure, otherwise you
may inspect it or just unset some entries.
when _form_validate and drupal_validate_form finish their job
a) the user may have been redirected somewhere else with some custom
_validate hook
b) all "form_errors" left could be sent to drupal_set_message

After all "general" validation get called anyway even if you've
"custom" validation. I still think that "general" validation is still
useful even if you're going to provide element validation functions
that will "override" it.
Most general and frequent case is "general" validation is enough and
it doesn't seem worth to provide a switch that make it "optional" or
"additional" to custom element validation.

Anyway even when custom validation function kicks in even if they
receive an $elements, form_error already set a message in a place
where I don't see any easy way to do cleanup.

Still when I'll have to jump from D5 to D7, I can't see any path to
solve my problem.
I can't see any way to control how a form react to invalid input if
the validation happens in "core" FAPI part and not in _validate hooks.

You'll have to inject stuff in the form to make it "valid" just to
avoid to display general errors and then re-validate it in _validate

form_error may just build up a structure like
	'#errortype' => (token | required | maxlength | invalid)
	'#message =>
passed along with $form_status
or just add to form_values aka form_status['value'] the above extra

The custom user validation function may do some cleanup or provide
custom messages. This should break the coupling between validation,
error reporting and in general action to be taken in case a form fail
to validate.
This will still provide a sane default that in spite of just disabling
a check will force you to provide a _validate hook, where you could
still... ignore the error and avoid to do validation... but well that
does look as a much more conscious decision than just flipping a flag.

This could be accomplished without killing form_error or

Otherwise changing the order of FAPI validation and custom user
validation in _form_validate could let people set the #validated
propriety but it will force people to duplicate validation code in
FAPI if they need it and won't break the coupling.
Separating the validation from error reporting may even open a path
to provide better logging or "intrusion detection".

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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