[development] Modules free to good home

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Mon Oct 20 23:31:16 UTC 2008

I don't have many modules under my care but now that I consider the  
docs queue my responsibility, I've enough queue work to keep me  
busy. :-)  I'd like to find good caretakers for a few of my modules to  
lighten the load a bit. If you are interested in either being a co- 
maintainer or taking over maintenance altogether, please let me know  
off list (email or contact page http://drupal.org/user/65088/contact).  
I'm willing to sit in and help answer questions and guide if there are  
folks that feel like they want to dip into maintaining but still  
aren't confident - so a good opportunity to get your feet wet, if you  
are so inclined. I just can't carry the load of development and  
regular queue maintenance anymore.

Modules that need good kibble and a warm, safe bed at night:

Nice menus: http://drupal.org/project/nice_menus
Prepopulate: http://drupal.org/project/prepopulate
Comment Mail: http://drupal.org/project/commentmail

- Addi (add1sun)
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