[development] Menu Tree Access Control?

Bill Fitzgerald bill at funnymonkey.com
Fri Apr 3 14:46:48 UTC 2009

We (FunnyMonkey) released the book manager, which gives individuals the 
right to create book that only they can add pages to.

The nodes within those inividual books can then be governed by any of 
the usual suspects wrt access control.

So, a menu admin could create the outline, with people being granted 
access to edit/view nodes as needed.

What's missing, of course, is access rights that cascade down the hierarchy.

But the Book Manager is here: http://drupal.org/project/book_manager



Larry Garfield wrote:
> Do you need view access control or edit access control?  We (Palantir) 
> actually just developed an edit access control module based on menu position 
> for a client.  We plan to release it as soon as the site launches, which 
> hopefully shouldn't be too long.  What's your time frame?  
> On Thursday 02 April 2009 6:33:02 pm Josh Koenig wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm about to launch into yet another custom module build, and I wanted
>> to see if I'm missing the obvious and this thing already exists (or
>> has been somewhat built).
>> The use case is to allow access to nodes (node_access) based on their
>> placement within a drupal menu tree. Seems obvious, but keyword
>> searching through available modules didn't turn up anything that
>> seemed to match. I did locate the "Menu Subtree" module which seems to
>> provide some complimentary functionality in terms of restricting the
>> areas of a menu tree into which new nodes can be placed:
>> http://drupal.org/project/menu_stp
>> For access, it points to fago's menu_per_role module, but this is
>> about access to menu links, not node permissions. In the other
>> node-access modules, I didn't find one that seeks to allow/deny access
>> based on menu position. So that's what I'll begin working on.
>> Implementation seems fairly straightforward based on
>> hook_node_access_records() and hook_node_grants(). Assuming I'm right,
>> the next fun thing would be looking at integrating this with
>> menutrails.module so it can work for broader classes of nodes and not
>> just those placed directly into the menu tree.
>> Please let me know if I'm missing something obvious. :)
>> cheers
>> -josh


Bill Fitzgerald
FunnyMonkey -- Click. Connect. Learn.
ph. 503 897 7160

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