[development] Remove q=node from required modules

Robert Douglass rob at robshouse.net
Tue Aug 11 08:25:46 UTC 2009

Drupal became popular because it made a lot of assumptions. It assumed,
for example, that you want a page on your website that displays all
promoted and published content in reverse chronological order with
teasers. This is the path q=node. There are other paths that display
content listings (taxonomy module is full of them), but most (all?) of
the others can be turned off. q=node stands out as the shining example
of a content listing path that is _required_ by core, and can't be
turned off. This has consequences:


I would like to argue that the required bits of core should not offer
any paths that display content listings, and that the behavior of q=node
in the case that no content is published/promoted is particularly
damaging and should be removed.

The issue:


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