[development] Remove q=node from required modules

Damien Tournoud damz at prealable.org
Tue Aug 11 10:52:14 UTC 2009

The only true answer is: learn to add three lines of PHP code.



On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Fred Jones <fredthejonester at gmail.com>wrote:

> > I would like to argue that the required bits of core should not offer
> > any paths that display content listings, and that the behavior of q=node
> > in the case that no content is published/promoted is particularly
> > damaging and should be removed.
> I would basically agree--having a switch to turn it off would be VERY
> smart for many sites we build also. I have browsed to /node on some
> sites just to see what kind of garbage (i.e. not properly themed)
> comes up. Many sites have pretty ugly stuff.
> Thanks
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