[development] Remove q=node from required modules

Robert Wohleb rwohleb at techsanctuary.com
Tue Aug 11 17:07:25 UTC 2009

I can't remember the last time I actually used /node. It's a great default
for a fresh install and new users, but quickly becomes a problem for
established users. I won't deny that a tiny contrib module would solve
things, but it strikes me as the wrong solution. If I have to install a
module that only does one menu_alter, then it really starts to sound like
I'm having to work around a flaw instead of extending functionality. I don't
think any of us want /node removed. We'd just rather have the ability to
disable it, like we can with suggested menu items.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Nathaniel Catchpole <catch56 at googlemail.com
> wrote:

> Core can look if the system has any nodes at all , and only emit the
>> welcome
>> message if there are no nodes (not nodes promoted/published).
> The message isn't in Drupal 7 any more, or at least, not at /node, it's
> been replaced by a short message inviting you to add some content.
> The real answer to this is the other thread on this list at the moment -
> views in core, so that the default front page (and default taxonomy, forum,
> blog and other listings) is just a view which you can enable, disable or
> modify.
> Nat
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