[development] Node types in hook_form_alter()

Ken Rickard agentrickard at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 21:56:47 UTC 2009

Check $form[#node]->type. If not empty, use that string.

- Ken

On Dec 12, 2009, at 2:47 PM, James Benstead <james.benstead at gmail.com>  

> I'm writing a module that adds a field to the create/edit forms for  
> nodes of certain types - the actual types can be chosen by the user.  
> There are loads of ways to identify the type of the current node  
> from within hook_form_alter(), but is there an accepted standard way  
> to do it?
> If I use $form['type']['#value'] I get "Notice: Undefined variable"  
> warnings as my local server's error reporting is very verbose. I  
> know I could change the error reporting level, but surely it's  
> better practice to try and kill the bug?
> And if I use $form_id I have to use nodetype_node_form and convert  
> it to nodetype - and, as an aside, I can't find a PHP function to do  
> this cleanly.
> So, what's the accepted way to do this?
> --
> Google Talk/Windows Live Messenger/AIM: james.benstead at gmail.com
> Yahoo! Messenger/Twitter/IRC (Freenode): jim0203
> Jabber: jim0203 at jabber.org // ICQ: 7088050
> Skype: jimbenstead
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