[development] Object Caching in DRUPAL-7?

Sammy Spets sammys-drupal at synerger.com
Wed Feb 25 03:30:53 UTC 2009

I am totally for global object caching strategy. +100

There is the issue of distinguishing cacheable and non-cacheable fields. 
Does D7 Fields API flag fields as cacheable to make this simpler?


Sammy Spets

Josh Koenig wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'd like to take the community's temperature on developing a global 
> object caching strategy for drupal core 7.0. In effect, this would 
> mean pulling the functionality of advcache module into core, though 
> the code would doubtless be a bit different.
> This has been previously discussed by Robert Douglass and Steve Rude, 
> and I think both the short-term and strategic value here is clear. As 
> memcached permeates the collective consciousness of the 
> web-development community, and as "cloud" computing becomes more and 
> more prevalent, best practices in architecture increasingly point 
> towards caching full objects whenever possible.
> This also fits well with Drupal's existing architecture. There are 
> great functional points (e.g. node_load()) to mount this functionality.
> I'm certain I'm not the only one thinking along these lines. Anyone 
> want to throw out their ideas?
> cheers
> -josh

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