[development] Info needed to add content to Drupal via shell/curl script
Richard Morse
remorse at partners.org
Wed Jan 7 16:33:55 UTC 2009
On Jan 7, 2009, at 11:18 AM, Tomáš Fülöpp wrote:
> Hi, Ricky,
> Seems very useful. Are you planning to package and provide it as a
> module at
> d.o.? Then people could comment and supply patches to develop it
> further.
> If there are no such plans, I'll appreciate getting the existing code.
Hi! Here is the code. First is the php code, then the perl code. I've
obfuscated some specific values (ip addresses, user names, etc), but
it should be fairly clear...
* Implementation of hook_xmlrpc.
* This function returns a list of the available XML-RPC calls provided
* by this module.
* This module provides one call, which allows XXXX to submit reports
* without having to do it manually.
function reports_upload_xmlrpc() {
return array(
array('reports.submit', 'reports_upload_receive', array('string',
'struct'), t('Receive a report')),
* This function is the actual processor of the XML-RPC call
function reports_upload_receive($params) {
// first, make sure that the remote computer is XXXX, otherwise fail
return xmlrpc_error(1, t('Not allowed'));
we receive:
[title] => title,
[report_date] => date,
[body] => body,
[input_format] => format (if empty, default format is used)
[oi_restrict] => oi_restriction,
[terms] => [ taxonomy_identifier, * ]
[attachments] => ** this one is optional
0 =>
// validate the structure of the submission
if (empty($params['title'])) {
return xmlrpc_error(10, t('Missing title'));
if (empty($params['report_date'])) {
return xmlrpc_error(11, t('Missing report date'));
if (empty($params['body'])) {
return xmlrpc_error(12, t('Missing title'));
if (empty($params['input_format'])) {
$params['input_format'] = variable_get('filter_default_format', 1);
else if (is_numeric($params['input_format'])) {
// do nothing
else {
// this is broken right now, I don't know why...
$input_filter_name = $params['input_format'];
if (false !== strpos($input_filter_name, '"')) {
return xmlrpc_error(12, t('Invalid filter format specified:
quotes not allowed'));
$matching_formats = array_filter(filter_formats(),
create_function('$f', 'return $f->name == "' .
$input_filter_name . '";'));
if (count($matching_formats) == 1) {
$params['input_format'] = array_shift($matching_formats)->format;
else {
return xmlrpc_error(12, t('Invalid filter format specified. No
matching formats to !format', array('!format' => $input_filter_name)));
if (empty($params['oi_restrict'])) {
return xmlrpc_error(13, t('Missing restriction'));
if (!is_array($params['terms'])) {
return xmlrpc_error(14, t('Bad terms parameter'));
if (!empty($params['attachments'])) {
foreach ( $params['attachments'] as $attachment_num =>
$attachment_info ) {
if (!is_numeric($attachment_num)) {
return xmlrpc_error(15, t('Bad attachment index: !index',
array('!index' => $attachment_num)));
if (empty($attachment_info['name'])) {
return xmlrpc_error(16, t('Missing attachment name for index !
index', array('!index' => $attachment_num)));
if (empty($attachment_info['mime'])) {
return xmlrpc_error(16, t('Missing attachment mime-type for
index !index', array('!index' => $attachment_num)));
if (empty($attachment_info['data'])) {
return xmlrpc_error(16, t('Missing attachment data for index !
index', array('!index' => $attachment_num)));
// set the proper user
global $user;
$orig_user = $user;
$new_user = user_load(array('name' => 'XXXX'));
$user = $new_user;
// create a new node as an array
$node = array(
// our particular information
'type' => 'report',
'title' => $params['title'],
'field_report_date' => array(array('value' =>
'body' => $params['body'],
'format' => $params['input_format'],
'oi_nodeapi_restrict_eid' =>
// some variable, but for our purposes static, information
'uid' => $user->uid,
// misc stuff that is needed to make things function
'status' => 1,
'promote' => 0,
'sticky' => 0,
// add in the taxonomy for the report type
$node['taxonomy'] = array();
foreach($params['terms'] as $term) {
$tids = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($term);
if (count($tids) != 1) {
xmlrpc_error(14, t('Invalid report type -- returned !count
terms for !term', array('!term' => $term, '!count' => count($tids))));
$tid_obj = $tids[0];
$node['taxonomy'][$tid_obj->vid][$tid_obj->tid] = $tid_obj->tid;
if (!count($node['taxonomy'])) {
delete ( $node['taxonomy'] );
// add in any attachments
if (!empty($params['attachments'])) {
$node['files'] = array();
foreach ($params['attachments'] as $a_index => $a_info) {
$file_temp = file_save_data($a_info['data'],
file_directory_path() . '/' . $a_info['name'], FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
$node['files']['upload_' . $a_index] = array(
'fid' => 'upload_' . $a_index,
'title' => basename($file_temp),
'description' => $a_info['name'],
'filename' => basename($file_temp),
'filepath' => $file_temp,
'filesize' => filesize($file_temp),
'filemime' => $a_info['mime'],
'remove' => 0,
'list' => 1,
// convert to an object
$node_obj = (object) $node;
// save it
// fix the user to the original user
$user = $orig_user;
// return the node id created
return "created : " . $node_obj->nid;
#------------------------ Perl ---------
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long; # handle command line parameters
use Date::Format; # provides date formatting
use File::Slurp qw( slurp ); # makes it easier to read a file
use XMLRPC::Lite; # communicate with the website
use Data::Dumper; # dispaly any error messages
# the directory to take files from
my $in_dir = '';
my $in_file = '';
GetOptions('indir=s' => \$in_dir, 'file=s' => \$in_file);
if ($in_dir eq '') {
die("You must supply the '-indir' parameter\n");
if ($in_file eq '') {
die("You must supply the '-file' parameter\n");
# two date formats we'll need
my $todays_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00', @{[localtime()]});
my $rep_month = strftime('%Y-%m', @{[localtime()]});
# read in the 'processed.html' file
my $body = slurp($in_dir .'/' . $in_file);
# find all of the referenced images
my @imgs = ($body =~ m/\[inline:([-A-Za-z0-9_]+\.(?:png|gif|jpg))\]/g);
# start creating the submission object
my $submission = {
'title' => "Report - $rep_month",
'report_date' => $todays_date,
'body' => $body,
'input_format' => 6, # should be: 'Markdown (full html)', but
this doesn't work right now
'oi_restrict' => 'XXXX',
'terms' => [ 'XXXX', 'YYYY', 'ZZZZ', 'Report' ],
my $count = 0;
foreach my $file (@imgs) {
my $fdata = slurp($in_dir .'/' . $file, 'binmode' => ':raw');
$submission->{'attachments'}{"$count"} = {
'name' => $file,
'mime' => 'image/' . get_mime_type($file),
'data' => $fdata,
print "Submitting .. ";
my $xmlobj = XMLRPC::Lite
->call('reports.submit', $submission);
if ($xmlobj->fault()) {
print "error:\n", Dumper($xmlobj->fault()), "\n";
else {
print $xmlobj->result(), "\n";
print "done\n";
sub get_mime_type {
my ($fname) = @_;
my ($ext) = ($fname =~ m/\.(png|gif|jpg)$/);
return {
'png' => 'png',
'gif' => 'gif',
'jpg' => 'jpeg',
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