[development] how to implement hook_views_data() and add a field?

andrew morton drewish at katherinehouse.com
Wed Jan 7 21:09:42 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:41 PM, yi yang <yang_yi_cn at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> All I want is just return a number, which comes from a sql query count of my custom table. I want to represent that as a field so I can adjust it's position in the views ui. It doesn't sounds like very hard, right?
> I've looked into the views api 2, but there's really no useful information...
> Anybody can help?
> Regards,
> Yi Yang

The best place to look is at the code that views provides to add
support for core. Look in views/modules.


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