[development] After form submit

Victor Kane victorkane at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 15:38:24 UTC 2009


You can see that, because, when you go to Add content, then fill in the
fields, and click Submit, you actually see the resulting node (the nid (node
id) is in the URL too).

This is actually a page rendered by reading the new node from the database


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Salvador Benimeli <salbefe at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Victor,
> My problem is, after submitting a form, post values are automatically
> persisted by Drupal or have I to do myself??
> Thanks a lot
> 2009/7/30 Victor Kane <victorkane at gmail.com>
> What is great about Drupal is that when you create a content type, even
>> using CCK module and defining extra custom fields, everything is
>> automagically persisted in the database and may be retrieved as nodes. You
>> don't have to worry about that.
>> And, Drupal has a contributed module which is really practically part of
>> Drupal itself (no-one develops any serious sites without using it and CCK):
>> the Views module, which is a query generator so you don't have to use SQL to
>> list your nodes. There is a powerful graphical interface which allows you to
>> create your query on the fly and even shows you a preview of the list you
>> will be getting.
>> The views module (http://drupal.org/project/views) also allows you to
>> create as many displays of the view (Page/Block/RSS etc.) as you like.
>> That's why everyone is flocking to Drupal!
>> Victor Kane
>> http://awebfactory.com.ar
>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Salvador Benimeli <salbefe at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm new to Drupal, and after looking FAPI documentation there are some
>>> kind of things that are not clear to me.
>>> Where go the data once the form has been submitted?? The data submitted
>>> on a form is stored as a node or other kind of content or have I to create a
>>> table on the database and storing post values inside that table???
>>> How can I create a view where I can show all the data that has been
>>> submitted???
>>> Thanks in advance
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