[development] Taxonomy path OG aware

Paolo Mainardi paolomainardi at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 13:14:48 UTC 2009

Dear All,

I need your opinion and suggestions on a (for me) complicated task.

I have OG + Taxonomy (views on taxonomy/term) + Pathauto + Some content

Now, i need to achieve this task, when you are in a node (og context)
taxonomy links must be have something relative to og, for example:

"/taxonomy/term/$tid/$og->nid" (for example passing last argument to views
for fitering only og nodes with this taxonomy term) (consider that i'm using
Pathauto, so taxonomy/term it's aliased for example on

I tried with custom_url_rewrite but it's not a so simple task and with
hook_menu trying to create on the fly all this path (but it's a little bit
strong in terms of cpu cycles...).

I'm using D5.

Please, someone could suggest me the right way  ? :) Thank you very much!!!

Paolo Mainardi

CTO Twinbit
Blog: http://www.paolomainardi.com

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