[development] Xpath query for class matching

Domenic Santangelo domenic at workhabit.com
Fri Oct 2 22:03:22 UTC 2009

You don't encode the query string, just the path.


nitin gupta wrote:
> Yeah, I understand . it is the thumbnail maker for google images page. 
> But if I want to have a specific script for this conversion, one can 
> never be sure. If you notice, there are two colons in the query, which 
> if percent encoded will render the URL invalid.
> Thanks for all your inputs.
> --
> Regards,
> Nitin Kumar Gupta
> http://publicmind.in/blog/
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Domenic Santangelo 
> <domenic at workhabit.com <mailto:domenic at workhabit.com>> wrote:
>     nitin gupta wrote:
>>     @URL: Maybe in hurry, I did not explain it properly. This was
>>     exactly what I was doing. look at the project,
>>     https://sourceforge.net/projects/absoluteurl/
>>     until I came across this image url on the google images page:
>>     http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:7i1D2KAZcCd8yM:http://www.flash-slideshow-maker.com/images/help_clip_image004.jpg
>>     What would you consider here the query string or the path?
>>     Anything we do, the URL is going to break unless we do nothing.
>>     Any ideas?(may be just for encode the spaces).
>     scheme: http
>     host: t3.gstatic.com
>     <http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:7i1D2KAZcCd8yM:http://www.flash-slideshow-maker.com/images/help_clip_image004.jpg>
>     path: images
>     <http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:7i1D2KAZcCd8yM:http://www.flash-slideshow-maker.com/images/help_clip_image004.jpg>
>     query:
>     q=tbn:7i1D2KAZcCd8yM:http://www.flash-slideshow-maker.com/images/help_clip_image004.jpg
>     <http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:7i1D2KAZcCd8yM:http://www.flash-slideshow-maker.com/images/help_clip_image004.jpg>
>     That url is some sort of thumbnail maker or something... compare
>     to http://www.flash-slideshow-maker.com/images/help_clip_image004.jpg
>     -D
>>     --
>>     Regards,
>>     Nitin Kumar Gupta
>>     http://publicmind.in/blog/
>>     On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 2:22 AM, Domenic Santangelo
>>     <domenic at workhabit.com <mailto:domenic at workhabit.com>> wrote:
>>         nitin gupta wrote:
>>>         Thanks for your help. but this query will probably select
>>>         "abcfooxyz" as well when "foo" is supplied. (untested),
>>>         although it will definitely select "foo" in "foo bar" (tested)
>>>         $xpath->query("//div[contains(@class, '" . $class . "')]")
>>>         How can we be more specific?
>>         Try this example:
>>         http://westhoffswelt.de/blog/0036_xpath_to_select_html_by_class.html
>>>         @URL: Actually I am maintaining the module feedapi
>>>         imagegrabber, which downloads images from external websites.
>>>         Now sometimes the url I parse has spaces, so I am unable to
>>>         decide whether or not  to percentage encode the URL, because
>>>         percentage encoding will make this URL valid but will break
>>>         the following URL:
>>>         http://www.google.com/search?q=hello
>>>         by converting it to
>>>         http://www.google.com/search?q%3Dhello
>>         "q=hello" is a query string, not strictly part of the path. I
>>         would strip the url to its component parts (parse_url) and
>>         encode the path, then re-append the query string.
>>         http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php
>>         http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1738.html
>>         HTH,
>>         -D
>>>         Looking forward.
>>>         --
>>>         Regards,
>>>         Nitin Kumar Gupta
>>>         http://publicmind.in/blog/
>>>         On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 1:30 AM, Domenic Santangelo
>>>         <domenic at workhabit.com <mailto:domenic at workhabit.com>> wrote:
>>>         >
>>>         > nitin gupta wrote:
>>>         >
>>>         > for eg <div class="foo"></div> is selected by the
>>>         following query.
>>>         > $class = "foo";
>>>         > $xpath->query("//*[@class = '".$class."']");
>>>         > But, this fails in case of multiple classes, i.e. does not
>>>         select this :
>>>         > <div class="foo bar"> </div>
>>>         >
>>>         > The "contains" function would probably work, eg (untested):
>>>         > $xpath->query("//div[contains(@class, '" . $class . "')]");
>>>         >
>>>         > One more question: is this url valid : http://xyz.com/path
>>>         with space.html
>>>         >
>>>         > Nope. You can escape the url if you just HAVE to have spaces:
>>>         >
>>>         > http://n00b.com/path%20with%20space.html
>>>         >
>>>         > but why not use dashes?
>>>         >
>>>         > http://pro.com/path-with-properly-indexed-spaces.html
>>>         >
>>>         > -Dom
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