[development] How to make Require_once refreshable

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Oct 6 12:38:29 UTC 2009

Quoting Nancy Wichmann <nan_wich at bellsouth.net>:

> I was trying to track down an issue I am having with the node module's
> content_types.inc so I stuck in some messages. Unfortunately, the menu
> system uses require_once to load these files, so my changes are not working.
> I really don't want to have to reboot every time I do something. Is there
> any quicker way to get PHP to reload these files?

The menu system will only call hook_menu if variable  
"menu_rebuild_needed" is set to TRUE.  You can cause that to happen by  
clicking then "admin/settings/performance->Clear cached data" button.

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