[development] CVS Approval Policy: was Re: new features in D6 core?

Bill Fitzgerald bill at funnymonkey.com
Fri Oct 23 21:50:47 UTC 2009

A quick observation here, and feel free to flame this mercilessly [1].

As I see it, the purpose of the review of application should be to 
determine whether the applicant will comply with the d.o requirements 
regarding licensing, etc -- it should *not* be to judge the merits of 
the proposed module.

In this case, and in others I have seen, people have been unnecessarily 
hassled during the CVS application process.

As a community, we are shooting ourselves in the foot if we hassle/turn 
away developers, especially when we are turning them away for invalid 

If Andrew hadn't posted to the Dev list, his good idea would not have 
had the opportunity to make it into the community. I wonder how many 
other good ideas have been lost for the exact same reason.



[1]. Yes, I know that there are a small number of people triaging a 
large number of CVS applications.

Andrew Schulman wrote:
>>>> You could always build it out as a contrib module, though. It sounds pretty
>>>> useful.
>>> Thanks.  Unfortunately, when I tried that the CVS masters said that my proposed
>>> module was "too simple" to justify granting me an account
>>> (http://drupal.org/node/606962).
>> This has been rectified.
>> Cheers,
>> 	Gerhard
> Thank you.
> Andrew.

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