[development] what's the best way to create nodes from code?

Alex Barth alex at developmentseed.org
Fri Oct 30 16:52:25 UTC 2009

If speed is not an issue, use drupal_execute(). You're on the safe  
side with it, you don't need to worry about hook_nodeapi() /  
hook_form_alter() implementations of the moduls in use.

Otherwise, I settled for:

$node = new stdClass();
// Add stuff.
$node->title = 'my title';

On that note, I urge all module developers to not rely on form  
submission in their hook_nodeapi() implementations. Your module's node  
api implementation shouldn't break when a node is being created  
without using the way through the form api.

On Oct 30, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Zhang Xiao wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a batch of nodes need to be created from code, which function  
> should i use as an entry?
> thanks!

Alex Barth
tel (202) 250-3633

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