[development] Get all node fields?

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at gmx.at
Mon Sep 14 14:34:57 UTC 2009

On Sunday 13 September 2009, Chris Johnson wrote:
> Can someone suggest a way to get get a list of user-editable* fields
> in a node of a given content type?
> *By user-editable, I mean the actual data fields, not the meta-data
> fields.  I don't want to mess with things like nid, vid, type, uid,
> status, etc.  Rather, just any field which any module (e.g. CCK) might
> have added to a basic node to create a new content type.

> Advice?  Ideas?

I created Field Tool (project/fieldtool) for that sort of "describing field 
properties" task; for upcoming Drupals, you might want to have a look at 
fago's patch at http://drupal.org/node/575508.

Field Tool is probably still not quite where you need it, but it might be the 
closest match that you'll probably find. Maybe you want to check out if it can 
be made to work for your purposes.


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