[development] programatically adding a CCK field to a content type.

nitin gupta nitingupta.iitg at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 10:51:39 UTC 2009

I wanted to add an imagefield to a content type, using the function
content_field_instance_create(). I wrote this piece of code.
$field['field_name'] = 'myfield';
$field['type_name'] = 'story';
$field['type'] = 'filefield';
$field['widget_type'] = 'imagefield_widget';
module_load_include('inc', 'content', 'includes/content.crud');

This works perfectly fine with me, and an imagefield gets added to the
content type. are there any pitfalls in this i should take care of? or is
there any better way to do such a thing?


Nitin Kumar Gupta
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