[development] Question on AHAH

Hadubard hadubard at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 01:35:14 UTC 2010

This should be working. But you need indeed to tell ahah about the new form. Did you follow the descriptions on http://drupal.org/node/331941? Have a look at the quicktabs_ahah() function and the usage of $javascript['setting']. If I remember correctly than this is one of the keys to introduce your dynamic elements and register their behaviors.

best regards,

Am 03.04.2010 um 03:21 schrieb Randy Fay:

> If I'm not mistaken, the problem is that the AHAH bindings are done at page load time, and of course you're replacing the element that's bound with another element without a page reload, but the javascript does not know that you've changed things underneath it. 
> I don't know a way to introduce a new element and have it bound as an AHAH element. However, you could have both on the original page, with one hidden, and that would probably work.
> In D7, you could probably find some ways to work around this, although it would still require some magic. 
> -Randy
> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 3:29 PM, nitin gupta <nitingupta.iitg at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been scratching my head for long, looks like cant figure it out. If I add elements to the form on an AHAH refresh, let us say a submit button with AHAH properties, this button will not be submitted using AHAH. Anyone know about this? any pointers to resources? any work around?
> function test_form($form_state) {
>   $form['open'] = array('#value' => '<div id="test_replace">');
>   dpm($form_state);
>   if($form_state['test'] == 1) {
>   $form['test']['share'] = array(
>     '#type' => 'submit',
>         '#value' => 'share',
>     '#submit' => array('test_form_js_submit'),
>     '#ahah' => array(
>       'path' => 'test/js',
>       'wrapper' => 'test_replace'
>     ));
>   }
>   else {
>       $form['test']['share2'] = array(
>     '#type' => 'submit',
>     '#value' => 'share2',
>     '#submit' => array('test_form_js_submit'),
>     '#ahah' => array(
>       'path' => 'test/js',
>       'wrapper' => 'test_replace'
>     ));
>   }
>   $form['close'] = array('#value' => '</div>');
>   return $form;  
> }
> function test_form_js_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
>   $form_state['test'] = 1 ;
>   $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
> }
> function test_form_js() {
>   $form_state = array('submitted' => FALSE);
>   $form_build_id = $_POST['form_build_id'];
>   $form = form_get_cache($form_build_id, $form_state);
>   $form_state['post'] = $form['#post'] = $_POST;
>   $form['#programmed'] = $form['#redirect'] = FALSE;
>   $args = $form['#parameters'];
>   $form_id = array_shift($args);
>   drupal_process_form($form_id, $form, $form_state);
>   $form = drupal_rebuild_form($form_id, $form_state, $args, $form_build_id);
>   //Get HTML for the replacement form. Only these elements will be AHAH-refreshed.
>   test_add_children($new_form['test'], $form['test']);
>   $output = theme('status_messages') . drupal_render($new_form);
>   drupal_json(array('status' => TRUE, 'data' => $output));
> }
> function test_add_children(&$new_form, $form) {
>   foreach (element_children($form) as $child) {
>     $new_form[$child] = $form[$child];
>     test_add_children($new_form[$child], $form[$child]);
>   }
> }
> function test_menu() {
> $items = array();
> $items['test'] = array(
>     $items['test/js'] = array(
>     'page callback' => 'test_form_js',
>     'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
>   );
>   return $items;
> }
> In the above code, when 'share2' is clicked it submits perfectly using ahah, and converts to 'share' but this button does not have ahah properties.
> --
> Regards,
> Nitin Kumar Gupta
> http://publicmind.in/blog/
> -- 
> Randy Fay
> Drupal Development, troubleshooting, and debugging
> randy at randyfay.com
> +1  970.462.7450

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